The Best And Unknown Facts About Overnight Camping At Desert Safari



The Best And Unknown Facts About Overnight Camping At Desert Safari

Posted By : Desert Safari UAE/ 3545

Desert safari is a place which is worth visiting at any time either in the morning or in the evening or at night. But I guess the best time to visit is at night as you get to see and experience an amazing number of unique activated.

Night camping experience:

Nights are known for peace. And as everyone knows that day is created for work and night is created to relax. So now you must be thinking about what kind of an introduction is it? Basically here you will get to know about the amount of peace you can feel at an overnight camp at the desert safari and what are the vibes of this place and experience. Have you ever tried of thinking what it would be like at a night camp in the middle of a desert sitting on the red sand dunes? Once you get into this imagination trust me you won’t feel like coming out of that image and you will soon book your trip to Dubai for overnight camping at Desert safari which is already a famous place and is already known for its famous and activities.

Other than the peace and calmness here it has many unique activities to offer!
Let’s talk about each activity one by one.

Tanoura dance:

Itis a very popular activity here at overnight camp in desert safari. It is a kind of Sufi dance and is a type of dance which can sooth any person who is watching it. People who are expert at it move in circles on soft Arabian music.

Fire show:

It is another kind of exciting experience here at an overnight camp. Once you see the show you will be amazed after seeing people easily playing with fire in front of you. They throw the fire strings up in the air and this goes on continuously. 

Henna art:

It is the specialty of overnight camping. It is a painless procedure of decorating your hand. First, you select the design of your choice and then only the art begins. The henna art experts are present there for whom I guarantee will not disappoint you.

At the end of the overnight camp, you are served with a very palatable dinner. That dinner contains special barbecue dishes. You are also provided with the special kahwa of Dubai there which is free of cost.

Overview of Night camping:

Get a chance to sit in the middle of the desert in the night. The sky is all covered with the shiny stars and the shine of the stars is reflecting on the face. So what are you waiting for book your deal now and get a worth remembering experience? It is a kind of experience from which one will get amazed after seeing the number of activities being performed here also by the amount of talent that people have. It is a must-try experience. If you have not experienced it yet trust me your life is incomplete. Book your deal now!

Don’t wait too long for it!